Friday, June 21, 2013

Milk quota markets are not efficient

Many countries have some sort of rationing system in place for their dairy industry, because apparently farmers have a tendency to produce too much milk and depress its price, in the end getting less, I guess because the price elasticity of demand is high. This rationing is typically done through a quota system, and these quotas are sometimes tradable. This last point is important as it makes it possible for the allocation to be efficient: the most efficient producers should indeed acquire more quotas, which they buy from the least productive farmers.

Rebecca Elskamp and Getu Hailu tell us this is not at all what is happening in Ontario, Canada. Elskamp and Hailu identify quota net buyers and sellers and they try to match them with various characteristics. As the milk sale price is uniform, it must have to do with production and costs. The latter do not seem to matter at all. Scale does, though. Thus, if you are a farmer who happens to have an empty barn, you buy quotas whether your costs are high or not. But if you are a very inefficient farmer with high costs, you do not think of selling your entire quota and live from it. Strange.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you mean "if the price elasticity of demand is low?"


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